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Talking Peace services include:


  • Restorative Justice Training

  • Circle Training

  • Gang Intervention: Three Lies that Gangs Tell

  • Cultural Proficiency: Communication and More in a Diverse World

  • Trauma Today: Defining Trauma and How It Shows Up in Our Youth and Their Culture

  • RJ Coaching Sessions

  • General RJ Presentations

  • Phone Consultation



Circle Training

The Circle is a critical Restorative Justice tool used to create a safe space to have intentional conversations. 

  • Participants will learn how to structure a Circle, when and where a Circle is appropriate, and most importantly, why we do Circles. 

  • Circle trainings can take anywhere from 1 to 3 days to complete.


Restorative Justice (RJ) Training

This training model is traditionally a 360 degree approach to educate school or youth serving communities on the value of Restorative Justice as a way to build inter-group trust and community, with the intent of being able to better-serve and educate our youth with newly strengthened relationships.

  • RJ trainings can take 1-5 days to complete. An ideal program would allow for one day for each tier, and 1-2 days for practicing and implementing the learnings.


RJ trainings are offered in three tiers to participants.

  • Tier 1: Relationships and Community Building

    • Take a close look at ourselves first and examine the many ways we may contribute to systemic miseducation of our youth. 

    • Learn techniques on how to have intentional conversations using the Circle process as a vehicle to building stronger relationships. 

    • Explore “Cultural Intelligence” in relation to Restorative Justice as well.

  • Tier 2: RJ Intervention—Responding to Harm or Wrong Doing

    • Determine how to use relationship and community building skills to respond to harm.

    • Explore the difference between RJ intervention and Conflict Mediation.

  • Tier 3: Reentry, Welcome & Celebration Circles

    • Develop how to sustain a strong and consistent Restorative Justice culture, with the inclusion of: reentering a student who has missed a significant amount of time in school; welcoming a student back into a community; celebrating students’ lives and achievements.

    • Evaluate why these processes are necessary and explore how to create time and space to build this culture.

Additional Programs Include:

  • Gang Intervention Session(s): “Three Lies that Gangs Tell” (Primarily for youth audiences) – 1 day session

  • Cultural Proficiency: “Communication and More in a Diverse World” (Primarily for adult audiences) – 1 day session

  • Trauma Today: “Defining Trauma and How It Shows Up in Our Youth and Their Culture” – 1 day session

  • RJ Implementation and Practice Coaching Sessions can be customized for 1 or 2 day sessions

  • General Restorative Justice Presentations can be customized for audiences of all sizes and community needs

  • Phone Consultation and video conferencing can be provided as well

"Find something truly worth dying for...then LIVE for it."

--Eric Butler, Talking Peace

© 2016 Eric Butler, All Rights Reserved.

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